Weather Announcements
We do not strictly follow the school district closings. When there is a weather event, please look for a pop-up on our website for information on cancellations.
If you are having trouble with your registration, please email
Contact Capital Cotillion
301-320-0025 (voicemail only)
Mailing address: Capital Cotillion, 5219 Westbard Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20816
The office is closed after noon on the day of the dance.
Dance Locations
Regular Location (all dates except Holiday Ball)
National Presbyterian Church Stone Hall
4101 Nebraska Ave NW
Washington DC 20016
Holiday Ball Location (December)
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church
4201 Albemarle Street NW
Washington DC 20016
Guest Policy
Due to the popularity of the program and in fairness to our registered families, we are unable to accept guests. Thank you for your understanding.